Saturday, October 27, 2012

Willow Smith’s “Whip my Hair” and Rihanna’s “Who’s That Chick”

There are so many Illuminati videos coming out that it is hard for me to keep up. This is therefore an express two-in-one, to prove that the “Agenda” is still being pushed to a increasingly young public. We will look at Willow Smith’s “Whip My Hair” and Rihanna’s “Who’s that Chick”. Both videos use the occult and mind-control related imagery discussed in previous articles.

Willow Smith’s Whip My Hair

Absent minded children acting as if under mind control
The video is set in a school which looks more, in my  like a mind-control institution. The children are all dressed alike, acting in a robotic matter, as if they were lobotomized. Then comes little Willow to free these kids with the “liberating” sounds of…commercial pop music.
Checker board pattern floor ever present
The entire video is set on a Masonic checker board pattern floor, which, as we have seen numerous, is a unmistakable symbol of Illuminati control. As if to prove the importance of this symbol and to state that its presence is not the product of aesthetic randomness, the Masonic floor was prominently featured on Willow’s first  TV performance on the Ellen Show.
Illuminated checker board pattern during Willow’s performance at the Ellen Show

Rihanna’s Who’s that Chick

Willow’s older look-a-like at Jay-Z’s Roc Nation record label, Rihanna, is still churning out videos with subversive symbolism. There are actually two versions of the Who’s that Chick video, a “Day” and a “Night” version, who are very similar, yet opposite. One thing is however constant, both versions are overloaded with Masonic checker board patterns.
The “Day” version is a red and white checker board overload while the “Night” version features the classic black and white pattern
The “Day” version depicts positive and colorful imagery while the “Night” version is  creepy and dark. Coincidentally, this is exactly what the checker board pattern represents in Masonic symbolism: the opposition of light and darkness, of  positive and negative energies, of good and evil, etc.
A Masonic tracing board featuring the checker board floor. Notice the sun and the moon above each pillar, representing day and night.
There are also many “semi-subliminals”.
I agree, skulls are indeed sexy…oh no wait, no, they are more a representation of the cult of Death our pop culture keeps pushing. This appears for about a fraction of a second, causing an subliminal association between “sexy” and “death”.
Rihanna happy versus Rihanna Illuminati
The video finishes with a creepy Doritos dude (because, yes, the whole thing is a  presentation of Doritos…*cough* (I don't often cough while typing, but it happens)) concluding it.

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