Monday, November 5, 2012

Again some pics...
The ad for Britney’s perfume refers to the occult concept of duality. It is very similar to the Seal of Solomon, a Kabbalistic symbol representing duality and the Hermetic saying “As Above, So Below”. In Monarch Mind Control (something Britney probably knows about), duality is used to program individuals, where there’s a “good” and a “bad” girl.
The cover of this science magazine is a rather blatant promotion of transhumanism. Of course, sex has to be used to sell the love of robots.

This promotional ad for the European Union is pretty weird. It combines symbols of several religions into a single star with the saying: “We can all share the same star”. This is a rather apt way of representing all world religions merged together for the elite’s NWO. Furthermore, why is there hammer and sickle of communist USSR? It is not a religion. This is rather odd, but fitting, when we know that the NWO is intended to become one big totalitarian world system.

The logo of BBC’s “Children in Need” Foundation is a teddy bear with one eye hidden. Knowing that the BBC is covered up for decades Jimmy Savile’s sex abuse on children, it is somewhat fitting that their logo also represents Illuminati mind control.

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