History Channel’s new miniseries “The Bible” created quite a stir when its depiction of Satan strangely resembled Obama. I cannot lie, when I saw that Satan figure, I immediately thought the same thing. I am not sure if it was intentional but, one thing is for sure: If you want to learn about the Bible, do not rely on this show. It presents a dumbed-down, bastardized and deformed version of the Bible which is apparently tailor-made to fit the elite’s anti-religion Agenda. I mean, where does it say in the Bible that two killer-ninja-angels descended to Sodom to kill everyone? The answer: Nowhere. Read Genesis 19 and see how it differs from the mini-series.
Pink’s new show features a big, red prominent All-Seeing Eye during a big part of it. Why? Because. It has to be everywhere.
The Oscars took place on February 25th and a bunch of movie people went home with these statuettes. Do they know that the Oscar statuette is probably an art-deco version of the classic depiction of the creator god Ptah? In the Egyptian mythology, Ptah also takes the form of the funerary god Sokar – an important figure of Egyptian magic. Try switching the first two letters of Sokar.
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